18th to 21st October
As often happens, decisions have to be made prior to a Morgan event, after a detailed investigation into the possible weather conditions as to whether to risk the top down or top up or chicken out and go warm and dry in a tin top. This weekend saw all these possibilities with various degrees of success.

I travelled from Yorkshire and back home in Millie with the hood down.!!! but she never moved from the hotel car park all weekend. Liz in her tin top meant that the Saturday and Sunday rain could be dealt with.

Paul had identified several very interesting places to visit, and our first choice was Blickling, a wonderful period manor and gardens.
Liz coped with the gardens in a little motor buggy as you can see.

Sunday saw us at the Broads Museum in Stalham. – a very interesting and educational visit which gave historical details of how the Broads were formed and were actually man-made, not natural. The basis of this was the extensive peat excavations and watercourse relocations.
Thanks to Paul’s research there were plenty of visiting options around Norwich– The Cathedral, The Castle, Museum, Norfolk Railway, a wind pump and of course The Redwings Horse Sanctuary.
As usual the pre, during and post dinner drinks provided suitable lubrication for convivial and entertaining evenings. Liz and I, Paul and Jan, Woody and Carol, Barry and Pat, David and Judith, Jim and Jill and Roger and Linda made up the party and I think I can confidently say that a good time was had by all (except perhaps at the end as Barry and Pat departed on a low loader together with the Morgan). All repaired now I understand.
Many thanks to Paul and Jan for organising a great weekend in a lovely venue and an excellent hotel.
Words: Ian Stevenson
Pictures: Ian Stevenson, Jim Kirby
Report 2:
The great thing about these weekend aways is an opportunity to mingle with other Donmoggers yet do your own thing in the day. Hence our experiences were somewhat different to the above. The Moggie stayed put the entire weekend hence our first (early) stop on Saturday was Eaton Park for the Norwich Parkrun. Running around in the drizzle with 450+ other runners was not the most pleasurable way of spending the morning, but it had to be done! (This early start was why we could not join you all on Friday dinner).

After drying out we spent the afternoon exploring Norwich, having never been there before. Bit disappointed the castle was not open though. Passed on the art show as it is not really our thing.
Sunday was spent in the Cathedral. These places fascinate me, particularly when the organ is going flat out but Linda finds them creepy and could not get out fast enough(!). This was followed by a walk along the river and back through the city.
So, in recognition of the fact this was first published in the newsletter circulated on Halloween here are some suitably spooky pictures taken inside the Cathedral.

Words & Pictures: Roger & Linda Pullen